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(61 - 80 of 275)
1932 Regulations and courses of study for vocational schools
1944 Bible readings for schools
1942 High school curriculum and regulations
1952 Programme of studies for the high school. Bulletin D
1950 Programme of studies for the high school. Bulletin A
1938 Circular for teachers and students relative to textbooks for 1938-1939
1936 Regulations and courses of study for high schools
1932 Circular for teachers and students
1932 League of Nations. A circular of information for teachers and pupils
1929 Regulations and recommendations governing programme of courses of study for secondary schools
1927 Supplement to the Course of study for public schools
1925 Programme of study for public schools
1939 High school curriculum and regulations for 1939-1940
1938 Agriculture and nature science and shop mechanics, grades VII and VIII
1935 Circular for teachers and students
1930 Circular for teachers and students
1925 Regulations and recommendations governing programme and courses of study for secondary schools
1935 Regulations and courses of study for high schools
1934 Regulations and courses of study for high schools
1926 Regulations and recommendations governing programme of courses of study for secondary schools