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(21 - 40 of 271)
Tales of Wesakechak: a teacher activity guide (1984)
1918 Regulations and courses of study for high schools and collegiate institutes
1900 Report of the council of public instruction of the North-West Territories
1914 Course of study for the public schools of Saskatchewan
1940 High School Curriculum and Regulations
1920 Course of study for public schools
1967 Mathematics Grades IX - XII
1912 Course of study for high schools and collegiate institutes
1919 Course of study for the public schools
1974 Music curriculum. Division Four
1931 Circular for teachers and students
1933 Circular for teachers and students
1923 Regulations and recommendations governing programme and courses of study for secondary schools
1992 Native Studies
1949 Programme of studies for the high school. Bulletin 4. Prescribed courses in all grade XII subjects
1981 A Bibliography for Division I and II Language Arts
1986 Textbooks circular materials update
1960 List of library books for high schools of Saskatchewan
1962 Circular relative to textbooks for elementary and high schools
1957 A guide to technical and vocational courses for high school and special classes